Thursday, February 12, 2009

College Days

The other day I was moving all of my pictures from my desktop to my laptop. I went through pictures from college that I haven't seen in a few years. I know college was not that long ago, but freshman year (2003) seems like 10 years ago.

This is from my freshmen year when Emily was my roomate. This picture was taken towards the end of school. She had just purchased a mini tripod and wanted to try it out. This was during finals and our week of no sleep.

Hannah and I having some lemons at the Rainforest Cafe at Downtown Disney on Halloween.

Denielle, Hannah, Lisa, me, and Kelly celebrating Christmas our freshmen year.

I loved college so much. I sometimes wished I went to a large college with a football team and a lot of tradition, but then I look at how much fun I had and all the friends I made and I wouldn't trade that for anything.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

This survey-type thing has been going around so I figure I'll give it a shot. Here it goes...
  1. I love to cook. I look up new recipes online to try new things.
  2. Someday I would like to have a big family.
  3. I want to travel the world. There are so many places I haven't been and I would love to get lots of stamps in my passport before I die.
  4. I love shopping. It's exciting to me when I go to new (new to me) shopping centers or cute towns with lots of shopping...seriously. I really could shop 'til I drop.
  5. I have very conservative views...politically speaking. It may scare some people how far right my views really are.
  6. I love the website: It's awesome! I check it everyday and I get excited when they do a woot-off.
  7. I want to go on a cruise. Probably to South America. It just sounds fun. Except for the tiny rooms so I'll pay for the big room on top.
  8. I don't like clutter or messes...they drive me nuts! Why can't everyone just put things away and clean up after themselves?
  9. When I was younger I wanted to be an actress. Which is weird because I'm such an introvert.
  10. I have big feet...haha. Yeah, it's true. For my height I should have smaller feet. Oh well, I can't get rid of them.
  11. I have lived 4 states: California, Washington, New Mexico, and New York.
  12. My favorite food is sushi. I could eat it everyday, but I'd probably be poisoned by mercury like Jeremy Piven so I won't do it.
  13. I want to run a 5k. It's my goal right now. The only thing going against me is that I hate running. I'm still going to try to do it though.
  14. I'm very independent. I've always wanted to do things on my own.
  15. I have horrible eye sight. When I was 11 I had my eyes checked at school and they said I had 20/100 vision - obviously they had ghetto machines and probably a bad nurse, but sometimes it feels THAT bad.
  16. I am honest - to a fault. I've hurt people's feelings with my honesty, but I would rather have someone hurt my feelings than lie to me.
  17. I don't think things all the way through sometimes and I can be really gullible. In the words of Candy, "You're the smartest airhead I know."Let's just say I have had more than my fair share of blonde moments.
  18. I want to get my Masters degree.
  19. I have food aggression. I lived with my dad and 3 brothers so I had to hide my food in the refrigerator because they would eat it without asking who it belongs to. If you didn't buy it then don't eat it!
  20. I told Brandon Boyd I would eat him because he is hot. You have to watch the video before you judge me!
    Yahoo! Nissan Livesets - incubus - Fan Q&A Part Two - incubus
  21. I don't like chocolate by itself. I know that's weird, but I'm just not a big fan.
  22. I have a lead foot. I've been pulled over 3 times, but only received 2 tickets. No, I'm not proud of that.
  23. I absolutely love blue bubble gum ice cream. It has to be blue because the pink isn't as good. I can only find it at Loard's in Castro Valley...hopefully they don't go out of business because I don't know where I'll get my ice cream from.
  24. I want to buy a home. I'm hoping that I can do it with the housing market being so cheap right now.
  25. I don't like to keep my hairstyle the same for too long. I like to always try something new whether its a haircut or style or using accessories.